Changing Hearts, Changing Minds

Cover of YPMH report Changing Hearts Changing Minds

Changing Hearts, Changing Minds is a new publication from YPMH that is the result of a 2-year collaborative project with the University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) and its knowledge transfer company IfM Engage.

The project used engineering analysis methods to ‘join up’ different areas of research regarding depression. Innovation methods researched by the IfM’s Centre for Technology Management and deployed as workshops by IfM Engage practitioners were then used to generate and evaluate ideas for early intervention. The aims of the project were to develop the following, which are described in the publication:

  1. A multidisciplinary understanding (co-developed with researchers and including social, biological and psychological aspects) of how depression develops in young people – notably the key systems, pathways and mechanisms, and how these offer opportunities for early intervention.
  2. Specific opportunities for early intervention, including prevention, prediction, detection, diagnosis and treatment.
  3. How the opportunities can be applied to self-care by individuals and their families, the formal healthcare system and the wider mental health support ecosystem, including schools, mental health support charities, etc.
  4. High level suggestions for how the ideas and opportunities can be taken forward to create a better future.

Changing Hearts, Changing Minds is a consultation document. We welcome your feedback and your suggestions for improvement or collaboration. Please contact Peter Templeton at

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